
Fawzy Simon

I have known Stacy Patterson since I took a position with the public defenders office in Lebanon in 2008. From the moment I met her, it was clear that she knew and understood the law, but more importantly, she cared about people. She was one of my mentors with the public defender. She always had time to discuss a case or help flesh out an argument. She continues to demonstrate that caring attitude now that she has risen to the role of District Defender in that same office as she mentors young lawyers, serves as a resource for our legal community, and ensures that EVERYONE gets a defense. She is a good and dedicated public servant and she will excel as your next 26th Circuit Judge.

Melissa Bradley

I am proud to support my former boss as she runs for circuit judge! Working with and being trained by Stacy has given me up close and personal insight on her views, demeanor and experience. She is hands down the most level headed and patient person I know. She spends hours upon hours researching updated case law for her cases, and even cases for the attorneys that work for her if they ask for help. Stacy remains calm, works hard to understand BOTH sides of a case. She would NEVER let emotions get in the way of being impartial or fair when evaluating a case and making a decision. She has a genuine PASSION for the law, and does not get rattled or allow herself to be rushed to a quick impulsive decision, no matter what kind of pressure is being applied. Whenever I went to her office after hours, she was immersed in caselaw and often has training updates playing in the background, always keeping herself and her lawyers updated on changes in the law. With her decades of experience in the law, her demeanor, and ability to flush out the truth, I truly believe she will always bring thoroughly educated, researched, rational, impartial decisions to the bench!

Phil Demoss

I have practiced law with Stacy Patterson for the past 20 years. During that time she's handled thousands of cases and has worked in every county in the 26nd Judicial Circuit. Her courtroom experience, intelligence, and temperament make her the best candidate for Circuit Judge. Besides that, she's a nice person. 

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